Let's face it, we've all been there.
You spend hours perfecting that design or that social media post, pouring your heart and soul into it, only to hesitate when it comes time to hit that 'post' button.
What if people don't get it?
What if they think it's too “out there”?
What if... it's just plain cringe?
This is the exact thought process I had 6 months ago right before I started posting my designs online for the world to see.
Self-doubt and the fear of failure is one thing, but how do you get over the feeling that what you’re about to post is too “cringe”?
Learn to “lean into” your creative intuition
For the first month or so, the only thing I posted on my Instagram was my designs. I hated the idea of showing my face and actually speaking on camera.
But as soon as I started embracing that fear of being “cringe”, everything started to change. People started to respond to my content WAY more, and after a while, certain videos started to receive millions of views.
I can say with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t be where I am today if I’d listened to that internal voice of self doubt and uncertainty.
Remember: taste is subjective, and what's important is that your content resonates with you and, hopefully, with those who share your wavelength!
Find the source
If you’re worried about your online content being too “cringe”, it’s usually because you’re worried about what one person or a specific group of people will think about you.
Maybe it’s your old school friends, maybe it’s your parents, it could even an ex-girlfriend. The point is that you’re probably only worrying about the opinions of a few specific people in your life.
This is because we're hardwired to seek approval, especially from those we care about. But here's a reality check—they've got their own lives, their own dramas, and maybe even their own content to worry about.
Also, if that’s true, ask yourself if you’re okay with these people having complete control over the decisions you make.
For example, if the only reason you’re scared to post your work online is because your old university friends might find it and make fun of you, you are giving them complete authority over your life and the decisions you make.
But in my opinion, the fact that you put yourself out there in the first place is a win. Life is too short to be anything but gloriously awkward.
My challenge for you
The one thing that separates you from other creators is your artistic perspective.
What makes one person cringe might be another person's masterpiece.
So the next time you see that dreaded “cringe” feeling as an obstacle, consider it an opportunity to conquer your own limitations.
Think of something you’ve been wanting to try out, but have been too embarrassed to do so.
And consider this: that inner voice of yours is a lot louder than any imaginary critic out there.
So whatever that “thing” is, embrace the cringe and do it anyway.
Your creativity is a gift. Don’t be afraid to share it :)
Instagram: @waveindex